Office Relocation

Office Relocation2019-10-03T14:59:28+00:00

Office Moving

Successful office relocation requires a reputable moving company that will be with their clients every step of the way. With a decade of experience in the relocation business, our moving team from SouthAfricaRemovals can proudly say that they are the ones for you. We understand that office relocation takes different kinds of expertise than home removal. That is why our movers are specially trained to provide any of the two at the same top quality level. We can help you plan your relocation, packing and relocating all the items that you would like to have in your new offices. Contact us and get your free quote now and we will prove to you that you’ve made the right choice by selecting SouthAfricaRemovals for your office relocation.

A spacious office with lot of light and some house plants

Is it time for your office relocation?

Only the best service is good enough for your business relocation

Your satisfaction is our priority. That is why we will ensure that your office relocation is handled with maximum efficiency and utmost care to your possessions. In order to make your relocation process go as smoothly as possible, SouthAfricaRemovals will provide you with the following services:

  • Thorough planning of your office relocation;
  • Packing your belongings – we can help you pick professional packing materials for your furniture, technical equipment, documents and whatever you have in your old office and would like to move to the new one;
  • Safe transportation of your possessions;
  • Unpacking to your new office;

We are delivering our services all around England, so don’t hesitate to call us wherever you are moving from or to. The service that you are getting from us might not be proportionate to the price you will pay, because we offer the best solutions at affordable prices.

You do what you do best – we are here to take the stress of office relocation off your back!

We understand that office relocation is just too much for you to handle alongside performing your business activities. You can get the assessment of your office relocation cost for free and book the date for your office relocation. That is where your part of work ends and ours starts. With the information that you provide us with through the quote request, we will make a plan for your removal. Regardless of the number of offices and the size of your business, we will provide the right solution crafted especially for you.

A hand holding a pen points to a date on the calendar chosen for office relocation

Request your free quote and book your date right now!

We will pack your belongings so that nothing gets harmed or damaged

What is the most important thing about any house relocation or office move other than everybody staying alive and well? It is keeping your belongings undamaged. That is exactly what we guarantee to provide. Our specially trained movers know how to handle any piece of furniture, documents, and technical equipment. We can come to your office whenever it suits you and assess what type of packing materials we will need for packing. The quantity of your possessions determines how much of the supplies we should prepare. The packing supplies that we offer include:

  • Cardboard boxes in various sizes – these boxes are still the most eco-friendly solution when the time comes for relocation.
  • Tapes and labels – we use the quality tape to make sure that any box holding your possessions is tightly sealed for safe office relocation. Labels are very useful and they help you as well as they do help us. We use them to mark which side should go up, or which items are fragile.
  • Padding material – we use it to wrap your fragile items. Naturally, they need special handling and SouthAfricaRemovals always makes sure that that is exactly what they get. Other than fragile things, there are some pieces of technical equipment that need to be wrapped in padding materials before the office relocation begins.
  • Other materials that are used for some industry-specific relocations. Let us know if any of your possessions need temperature-controlled conditions during the move, or if you have some fine art or musical instruments to relocate. We will accept the challenge and we will excel.
Several cardboard boxes packed on a wooden pallet

Cardboard boxes are still the most ecological choice when moving office.

Business Relocation is a piece of cake for our man and van teams

As a local removal company, we know our way around. We can find the quickest route from your old office to the new one and we will move your belongings safely. Our movers check the traffic status updates regularly, so they are always in the know.

Here in SouthAfricaRemovals, we guarantee that your items will be perfectly safe during transportation. To prove it, we offer free basic compensation that covers up to £50,000 for loss and damage.

Leave disassembly and assembly to our professional movers

One of the critical parts of any office relocation is disassembly and assembly of office furniture. Here, in SouthAfricaRemovals, we are very good at predicting our customers’ needs, so we always have our team ready to move your office furniture in no time. Luckily for you, our man and van team has already moved more offices than they can count, so they can handle your office furniture in no time. We also have the necessary tools for taking your furniture apart and putting it back together. 

A man holding an electric screwdriver assembles some piece of office furniture

Our team will assemble and disassemble your office furniture in no time!

By hiring our man and van team, you are protecting yourself and your coworkers from various injuries that can occur during an office relocation. In addition, you will save your precious time and we all know that in business time means money!

Our team will efficiently unpack your possessions so that you can get your work back on track

Unpacking is often an overlooked aspect of office relocation. But, not with our company! We think in advance, so while we pack your possessions, we mark all the boxes. That helps us unpack easily.

We are the people you can trust with your office relocation

Office relocation can be very stressful and even have a negative effect on your business if not done efficiently in terms of time and money. With SouthAfricaRemovals you can have your cake and eat it too since we will perform your removal professionally and cater to all your business needs. But, do not take our word for it, ask our previous clients. You can do no wrong if you hire SouthAfricaRemovals for your office relocation since we love what we do and we are successful in it!
